Dior commit Release the Second Luxurious Dior Phone

Dior commit Release the Second Luxurious Dior Phone

The house of Dior is one of the most recognized names in style world. As a prestigious producer of luxurious and stylish jewelry, makeup, perfume, handbag and additional method accessories, Dior enjoy mammoth reputation throughout the system However, hold you ever heard Dior cell phone? Last year, Dior came up with its prime luxury animated phone which created sizeable buzz I risk many people have been intensely impressed Dior phone In December this year, Dior consign release another cell phone which is elegant, sensual, exclusive and especially made for hindmost countess

Dior will Release the Second Luxurious Dior Phone

Dior commit Release the Second Luxurious Dior Phone

Inspired by the classic figure of Dior house, this phone features the iconic rhombus carved with diamonds and crystals on the cell phone juncture The stainless steel something of the cell phone presents us the luxurious as well as chewed appearance. With the pattern of the diamond, sapphire crystal and stainless steel, the trendy and extravagant routine of Dior phone is supplementary obloquial

Besides, this Dior Phone is functional One of the most revered accessories, My Dior, is connected to the Dior Phone by gloomy tooth If you own the Dior Phone in the handbag or abode (less than ten meters), you can just receive it by the mini My Dior phone There are two styles, red Zelie with a emolument of $7,900 and white Zenaide with a charge of $13,400


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